The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald
The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald can be found on FlashPøint #6 ( You will notice there a large number and variety of endnotes which are not yet compatible with Squarespace. Even so, the endnotes actually stand in, online, for footnotes. Written for pages in a book, the main narrative of The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald begets a counter-narrative which runs in footnotes against the main, critiquing that main narrative both factually and imaginatively, offering diverging story-lines.
The essay "LEE OSWALD: DEEP CLASSIC AMERICAN HERO," which can be found in the Essays section of this portfolio, appeared originally in FlashPøint #2 ( Companion to The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald, it was actually written after the main narrative of the story was finished, but certain endnotes/footnotes incorporate passages from the essay, forming an even more umbilical connection. The two pieces should be read together ... but the story comes first.
In The Short Happy Life of Lee Harvey Oswald, E. Hemingway parodies the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. “Lee Oswald: Deep Classic American Hero” explains why the Warren Commission Report deserves a satire by the author of “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.”